Belfast Tool Library Terms
The tools in our collection are for Belfast Tool Library (BTL) members only.
Out of respect for fellow members, please clean any tools before returning them and report any damage to a tool librarian on return. We won’t charge you for tools broken or damaged due to normal wear and tear, but we do need you to tell us if they are broken. If you would like to return them in better condition than when you borrowed them, that would be highly appreciated!
By digitally signing this document you are confirming that you are capable and experienced in using the tools you borrow, and you will use the tools you borrow properly and safely. You confirm you will read the documents provided with the tools, whether provided digitally or by hard copy, and will use personal protective equipment as appropriate.
You confirm you will waive all claims against BTL, its trustees, volunteers, and employees for any injury that you may suffer in the use of the tools that you borrow.
You confirm you will not hold BTL, its trustees, volunteers, or employees responsible for any liability for the death of or injury to anyone or for any property damage suffered by any person caused by the use of tools you borrow from BTL. You understand that BTL, its partners, trustees, officers, volunteers and employees claim no expertise and make no representations concerning the suitability of any tool you may borrow.
You confirm you will abide by all rules of BTL and understand that failure to follow any may result in loss of membership and formal action. You confirm you have read and understood these BTL terms and release all and any claims you may have against BTL, its trustees, volunteers and employees.